Saturday, July 18, 2009

Quiver of the Year Goes To... Kirk Waddell

Kirk Waddell, long time lover of the Murphy Shapes, sent these shots in to us with the email below. Really cool quiver. I was blown away at how many boards he has.

If you have a quiver to beat this - let us know. So far I think this takes the cake. Enjoy.


I was cleaning out the side yard/board storage area (the frequent flyers) and went ahead and pulled the rest out for some photos. I had to get on the 2nd story of the house to get them all in.

This is the accumlation of about 10 years with Dennis. I was used to shapers who needed a lot of direction when I first started with Dennis. Initially I'd give him pretty specific dimensions, which he'd occasionally get me to modify. Now I give him a general idea of what I want and let him have creative license. He's good and doesn't need my help! All the boards were new except the 10'er which was new, but in the used rack at a local shop. I couldn't stand the idea of someone else getting it, so now I have it. This is what I have now. If I had photos of all the boards I've gotten from Dennis in 10 years you'd need more memory on your computer.

Left to right. 9'competitor squash tail , 9' competitor squash tail (the clear one's a duplicate as I liked the green one so much I was afraid to be without one), 9' deeper V double barrel channel bottom round pin, 9' roundpin with a bonzer style bottom and fins, 9'2" RPNR (round pin nose rider) a Murphy standard, 9'2" RPNR resin tinted gloss polish finish, 9'3" Model "E" w/ 2 tone resin tint gloss polish finish developed by Dennis with Eric Sommer who moved on to work with Donald, 9'4" Predator gloss polish resin tint with swirl deck, 9'6" California Classic Resin tint w/resin swirl deck glass on fin and no leash plug, 10' triple stringer (1/4" redwood) volan glass heavy weight. My SS Murphy. On the ground. 7'3"quad egg, 7'10" bonzer style, 7'6" Enzo (pulled in egg), 7'9" squash "california gun" 7'5" pintail.

Included a few random shots of board detail just for fun.

Enjoy, Kirk/Catfish/ or Poodle.....depending on which beach I'm at that day

1 comment:

  1. Great quiver and details - we are envious down here...
