Stoked rider and proud Papa in his "conquering big game stance."
JP's quiver is all about where he surfs. That is La Jolla! We figure that he is now complete to handle anything Ma Nature has to offer: and then some. From left -to-right:
* 6'-10" Reefwalker: 14x21x15x3 thick. For the big man in tight places.
*7'-5" Enzo tri : 15-1/2x21-1/2x15x2-15/16 thick. All-around travel board when he doesn't want to ride his LB's. Notice the highly evolved rattle-can paints by none other than JP himself!
*7'-10" tri Cali Gun: 13x21-1/2x14x2-15/16thick. This has paddle power and sticks in the pocket. Just look at the blog on any of the bigger waves in some of the recent posts. It's easy to see that it handles all drops,(well,almost all),and doesn't bog in the barrel. All good!.
* 9'-0" Southwind tri pin; 16-3/4x22-1/4x13-3/4x3-1/16" thick. When I first worked out the Southwind, it was intended to be a 2+1 fin set-up. JP changed all that with his aggressive approach and sheer mass. @ 200-210# he has the strength to push those large tri's into the barrel and off the top.
* 9'-3" Comp pin noser: 18-1/2x22-3/4x14-1/2x3"thick. The first of the quiver is always the hardest. How does a guy figure out what to ride everyday in crowded conditions. This has been an ongoing 20 year project. Japers LOVES trifin set-ups. That being said, don't try this without adult supervision. A fella could easily get caught too far forward with not enough umph to turn through the next section. However, we do not see that problem with Mr. Marengo. This is a fab noserider in modern ripper's dress. The last board on the right is the back-up Southwind. We now know which stick he can't go without. A special thanks goes to Joe Roper for sponsoring Jean-Paul. Without his personal attention, JP might have missed a set or two this last winter!
* 8'-5" Regulator Pintail: 12x20-3/4x13x3-3/16 thick. Sitting in front of everybody else is what this board is all about. Paddle out quickly, take off early (or late), and cruise through the maelstrom as if you own it. Wait 'till you guys see the new photos.
Not shown in these pics is our Piece du resistance--the 9'-8" pintail charger. Coming in at 10-1/2x20-1/4x12x3-1/4thick it is the big brother to the 8'-5". We're going travelin' this winter and a guy has to cover all the bases to be in the game. Thanks for listening.
dm out...for now