Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bob Scott's New 9-'0"

Part of the fun of getting a new board is that initial wax up. 

Remember when you were a grom how excited you were to wax the board, and, how fast you were able to wax it and get in the water?

Nowadays, that initial wax job takes just a bit longer..............Is it because we are gettin older or because our boards are getting longer?! Maybe I should have got a 5'-10" fish?

After a few cups of coffee and a few liters of water, Bob, and the rest of us rejoiced.  Bob is shown here celebrating his conquest. Yes!!

Afterwards, una siesta was in order.  "Heck, its blown out anyway." Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see Bubby riding the NOSE on his new stick .... !!
