Monday, November 30, 2009

Murphy's at PB Surf Shop

PB Surf Shop is currently loaded with bran-spankin new Murphy surfboards. Stocked and ready. All shiny and purdy like. PB Surf Shop just went through an interior remodel - and it looks great! They have been in Pacific Beach for eons now and this new floor plan makes the shop even better than it was. Drop in and let Randy take care of you. They have a full range of Murphy boards along with a few sweet Skip Frye and G&S beauties. Nice organic tees and gear too.
Pick Your Weapon

Friday, November 27, 2009

Board # 15,179

Yes - that number is right. Fifteen thousand, one-hundred and seventy nine hand shaped boards. New 9'-6" Round-pin Noserider for Chris Henry. 18 1/4" x 22 3/4" x 14": 2 7/8" thick.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mush Buster

If this board was yellow, it would have been dubbed the Chunky Monkey.
But it's not: So it's moniker is The Leucadia Mush Buster.
Shaped for Chris Miller of San Diego, it's a new 7'-5" squash tail w/FCS. A tad thicker, with a wide tail, we put some nice vee in the tail and she scoots along very nicely. Works well in chest to head-high southern California reefs.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Candy Cane

9'- 4": Just in time for the Holiday season.........

Saturday, November 14, 2009

New Board

Just got this 9'-0" RB-type squash in from Diamond Glassing yesterday and it was quickly picked up today by Adam from Santa Cruz.

Friday, November 6, 2009

To Protect and Surf

Ray contacted me while on leave from the war-zone in Afghanistan.. He's an incredible man who shall we say, has seen it all as a USN nurse. I hope that I'm not trespassing on any military secrets .. Not my intention! His plan was to order the new stick, go back over there, then return home in October briefly to see the family and surf. Thankfully we realized his dreams.

I need to emphasize that the boys at Diamond Glassing made us at Murphy look GREAT! Ray wanted an e-mail picture of his personalized artwork, but as time did not permit,that could not happen. Jeffrey Meyers blew our minds in the 11th hour. Take a peek for yourselves and I'm sure you'll agree we hit the mark.

Thanks Ray for the order and for the opportunity to serve one who has given so much to his country and the people of Afghanistan.

Oh yeah, the board measures 9'-3" by 22.75" by 2-7/8". dm

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lobster Lounge

October 23rd. Murphy Surfboards team rider J.P. Marengo in his backyard. J.P. has been riding our boards forever - and always scores the gems when it's working.

Below: Different wave. Same result. Slotted.

Special thanks to Joe Ewing for the shots. You can see his work on